Enabling you and your partner to empower, heal and upgrade your relationship,especially in challenging periods.
*This offering is specifically for couples: any two people who are committed to creating a long lasting and successful connection with each other.

Couples coaching Trajectory
This coaching trajectory consists of a set of 6 meetings, that usually take anywhere between 8 to 11 actual sessions.
You will receive an array of practical tools that will enable you to work on different aspects both within the relationship with your partner and within the relationship between you & you.

In this trajectory we will create clarity about what exactly is troubling the relationship and teach you and your partner how to navigate and solve these issues.
Your communication will receive a significant upgrade that will enable you to create clarity about what each of you desire and how to apply that practically in day-to-day life.

“I feel more confident and empowered with the tools I have gained to have successful relationships, romantic or not. I know even more clearly what I want and how to communicate that. I feel beyond excited when I think of the possibilities this has created for me.”
Jessica van twuiver

“Besides her being a radiant ball of energy, passion & excitement – she is practical, direct, sharp and deadly efficient.”
Ori dahan

“Anouk helps to bring to light everything that is in the dark. Everything that’s going on becomes clear, which enabled me to make conscious decisions. I learned many tools for the future and feel confident in my ability to use them in
other relationships.”
Asaf Dvash

A personal intake for both members of the couple

±8 sessions (attended by both members of the couple)

A significant upgrade in communication within the relationship

Implementation of practical tools

Clarity about expectations, desires, and feasibility of the relationship

Serious Empowerment

Learning how to handle challenges differently

“She mirrors compassionately yet uncompromisingly, and doesn’t shy away from great laughter and honesty.”
Chris van der Weide